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Coulter Admits Fox Works For Romney

August 13, 2012

It’s pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that Fox News is a propaganda tool of the GOP. A few days ago on Sean Hannity’s show – during another one of her rants – Ann Coulter lets the cat out of the bag.

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter labeled Mitt Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul a “moron” and said she should be fired for using Massachusetts’ healthcare law to defend the Republican presidential candidate against a super PAC ad.

Saul made her comments in response to an ad by pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA featuring a steelworker who lost his job when Bain Capital closed the steel mill where he worked. The man, Joe Soptic, said his wife died because they had no health insurance.

Saul said on Fox News that if the Soptics had lived in Massachusetts, they wouldn’t have lost their health insurance.

“To that point, if people had been in Massachusetts, under Gov. Romney’s healthcare plan, they would have had healthcare,” Saul said Tuesday.

Coulter called the ad “despicable,” but said Saul should get the ax for bringing up a taboo subject instead of pointing out what she said were flaws in the man’s story.

“Anyone who donates to Mitt Romney, and I mean the big donors, ought to say if Andrea Saul isn’t fired and off the campaign tomorrow, they are not giving another dime, because it is not worth fighting for this man if this is the kind of spokesman he has,” Coulter told Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night.

There’s no point in you doing your show, there’s no point in going to the convention and pushing for this man if he’s employing morons like this,” Coulter said. “This ad is the turning point and she has nearly snatched victory from the jaws of defeat! She should be off the campaign.”

An interesting admission. No point in Sean Hannity doing his show, if “morons” like Saul are going to undo all their hard work for the Republican nominee?


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